[vc_row][vc_column][welcome_block button_size=”btn-lg” top_subtitle=”WELCOME TO” bottom_subtitle=”Model & Talent Management” button_text=”BEGIN” button_link=”#about-us” main_title=”The Models Database”][/vc_column][/vc_row]

About Us

Everybody Has a Story


Welcome to The Models Database where you can reach multiple Top Fashion Brands, Casting Directors, Producers, Photographers and Industry Professionals in the Fashion and Entertainment industry.

We represent models, actors, dancers and extras in fashion, commercial, film & TV and theatre.

The work we have secured for our models, actors, dancers and singers ranges from FASHION SHOOTS, RUNWAY SHOWS, FASHION EVENTS, CATALOGUE, TV COMMERCIALS, MUSIC VIDEOS, FEATURE/SHORT FILMS, THEATRE and SO MUCH MORE!

We believe in diversity and as London and the fashion industry as a whole is rather cosmopolitan, we welcome artists from all ethnicities, backgrounds, disabilities, shapes and sizes with a range of experience. We believe that there is work potential for everyone as long as you are seen by the right people.


Our Models

Meet Our People

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We showcase a huge range of diversity on The Models Database so whether you are looking for part-time work or making a career for yourself in the fashion or entertainment industry, we want you to be seen by the right people and you will!

We work with the biggest databases in fashion and entertainment industry and choosing our models has never been so easy. Your details will be shown and seen by numerous professionals making it easier for them to book you based on either your Look, abilities or Skills.

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Latest Entries

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Photo Sessions

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis lacinia elementum velit, nec viverra nisi. Morbi gravida, massa sed dictum consectetur, turpis mi euismod elit, sit amet feugiat orci dui in felis. Duis purus ligula, consequat sit amet justo et, congue consectetur massa. Nullam adipiscing felis a sapien hendrerit ultrices. Curabitur fringilla sed odio eget tincidunt. Etiam quis sem ultrices, tincidunt leo sed, facilisis nunc. Proin vitae lectus diam. Nullam ut euismod tellus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer non elementum magna, eu tincidunt ante. Pellentesque vel orci augue. Donec eget lacus sit amet sapien posuere egestas. In quis mollis urna. Nam nec suscipit felis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Pellentesque id mauris orci.

[/vc_column_text][pricing_table el_class=”home-price-table”][pricing_column title=”Basic” price=”15″ currency=”£” link=”#” button_text=”Register”]


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